Such a cruel act of abandonment! Someone heartlessly tied up and left behind a poor puppy with a broken leg. They claimed they didn’t have the resources or time to help and simply discarded the helpless pup.

Even with all the awareness campaigns for animal rights today, it’s sad that unworthy acts continue to happen against these defenseless and vulnerable beings.

Meet Tomás, a puppy who instantly brings sadness and despair to our hearts. His eyes reflect days of bloody pain caused by a fractured leg. He was tied to a tree and left behind on an empty lot in Argentina by the cruel person responsible for him.

This incident took place in the town of San Antonio, a fishing city in the southernmost country of the American continent. However, such events happen everywhere, and that’s what we need to focus on.

Unfortunately, poor Tomás had to learn forcefully and in the worst way that the same people he would have given his life for turned their backs on him and betrayed him unexpectedly.

Unable to move, it seemed like his life was fading away until the situation reached the ears of Analía Quispe, a rescuer from the Friends of the Animal Association. She happened to hear the dogs barking and came across the heartbreaking sight of this sad canine. She was fortunate to find him since he was in a place where few people pass by.

According to some neighbors, a man appeared at the site with the dog and tied him up without any further concern. They say he arrived in a van, which he then got into and drove away.

But before he fled, several residents confronted him about his despicable act. The most absurd excuse from the man was that he claimed he didn’t have the means or time to heal the dog’s broken leg. Unbelievable, right?

Driven by her determination to save his life, Analía took the injured dog in her arms and brought him to her shelter for pets. Later, she took him to the vet, where they discovered the fracture and a severe infection.

“This brave little dog needs to continue taking antibiotics and undergo surgery urgently. Additionally, he requires treatment to prevent the amputation of one of his front legs,” wrote the rescuer in a publication for those who want to help.

He will have to go for medical check-ups again, and several phone numbers have been provided for donations. Despite everything he has been through, the dog is very happy and grateful for all the love and care he has received. They have helped him leave behind that dark past. Once he recovers, he will find a true home.

Please share this story with your friends. Today, Tomás is waiting for his full recovery, but he is a beloved pet who should never have to experience anything like this again.

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