Every Night, a Rescue Cat Sleeps In Her Little Dơll Bed

Sơphie the cat was rescued from a hơarding scenario when she was approximately three years old, when she and a slew of other animals were placed in cages on top of one other.

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) took her in and quickly adopted her into a new household.

Sophie is a nice and loving cat that only wants to spend as much time as she can with her parents. When her parents went to bed the first few nights after she was adopted, she would climb to the top of their dresser and sleep there the whole night.

It’s as if she wanted to be high enough to keep an eye on her parents and know when it was time to get up again.

“I tried to get her to sleep on our bed, but she insisted on sleeping on the dresser,” Sophie’s mother, Christiana Viscusi, told The Dodo. “After a few nights, I moved out the dresser and replaced it with her bed.” Since then, she’s been walking up to her bed when we go to bed.”


Sophie’s mother didn’t think much of it at first, until she learned that Scottie had been rescued from a hoarding situation and adopted about the same time as Sophie.

“It’s possible they were in the same spot at the same time and were put in different shelters,” Viscusi added. “It just makes us think.” Especially since Scottie’s owners claim he doesn’t get along with other cats and are surprised by how much he like Sophie.”

“Every time we’re outside and he’s there, he comes over to hang out,” Viscusi explained. “It’s many times a week throughout the summer.”

He comes over and cries at us if he sees us on our balcony from his lawn, then sits at our backdoor waiting for us to bring her out. It’s absolutely adorable.”

Sophie’s upbringing may have been difficult, but it has had no impact on her charming demeanor or love of life. She appears to be overjoyed that she now has a place to sleep, a companion to play with, and a family who will adore her for the rest of her life.

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