8 Warning Signs Your Body Is Giving You That You Shouldn’t Ignore

8 Warning Signs Your Body Is Giving You That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Our body speaks to us in many different ways, but we don’t always listen to it. In fact, not only can it communicate with us, but it also has its own secret tricks. In an emergency, it can even start “talking” to us through various changes: our eyes can suddenly change color, or bumps appear in certain places. All we need to do is to pay attention and act quickly.

Bright Side wants to help translate the messages your body might be sending you.

1. Yellowish skin

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A yellowish skin tone, mostly caused by jaundice and liver problems, is what leads to this condition. High levels of bilirubin (a bile pigment) make it impossible for your body to eliminate it as waste. As a consequence, the skin and the whites of the eyes take on a yellowish tinge.

2. White dots on the nails

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They might appear after a nail injury or as a result of biting your nails. However, if none of this is true for you, and you still get them, there might be a hidden health problem. Most of the time, it can be blamed on a zinc, calcium, or protein deficiency.

3. Cracked lip corners

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Cracks or blisters at the corners of the lips appear for many reasons. You might be dehydrated, or exposed to too much sunlight. What’s more, even a regular toothpaste or lipstick you often use can be at fault.

4. Clubbed fingernails

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Nails curved around the fingers are typical of people with chronic lung problems. It can also occur due to some gastrointestinal conditions. If not treated in time, nails become enlarged and curve downward.

5. Canker sores

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Painful sores inside the mouth can be brought about by hormonal changes or emotional stress. Additionally, it can also run in the family, so you might just be predisposed to it. A vitamin B-12 deficiency is another cause that might make the sores appear.

6. Eyelid bumps

8 Warning Signs Your Body Is Giving You That You Shouldn’t Ignore

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Small pimples on your eyelids are called styes. They usually grow very close to eyelashes and make it painful for you to blink, and they can be itchy as well. They usually appear on the skin if you have diabetes or skin that is too dry. It can also be a sign that you need to change your contacts or makeup brushes.

7. Ring around your cornea

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If you take a closer look at your cornea and see a bluish, gray, or white ring around it, you have arcus senilis. These “rings” are actually deposits of fat. High levels of cholesterol make it appear right on your eyes. Everyone will eventually get them as they age, however, if you notice them while you’re young, it’s a reason to be concerned.

8. Bright colored tongue

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A red tongue is not only a sign of infection, but also of acne and a vitamin deficiency. Another possible cause is scarlet fever, which can make your tongue pale but with bright red spots. Besides, oral herpes might also lead to a brightly colored tongue.

Which ones have you experienced at least once? How did you treat them?

Source: Brightside.me

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