18 Facts About Human Blood That We Didn’t Know

We all know that our blood system is really complicated, that’s why it’s important to take care of your heart and know your blood type. Unfortunately, many people don’t know about all the opportunities of our body.

Bright Side has collected interesting scientific facts about our blood that you probably don’t know.

It would take 1,120,000 mosquitoes to drain all the blood from an adult human.

To make blood circulate, the heart creates such intense pressure that it can release a high stream of blood.

A human being can live without a pulse. In 2012, doctors installed a device in 55-year-old Craig Lewis’ body that allows blood to circulate throughout his body without a pulse.

Stan Larkin lived 555 days without a heart, waiting to receive a transplant. His own heart was replaced with a device that he used to carry in his backpack. He could even play basketball.

A person can lose 40% of their blood and still stay alive. Of course, a timely blood transfusion would be necessary.

Heart attacks are more likely to happen on Mondays by up to 20% compared to all of the other days of the week.

Our heartbeat influences our mood. Scientists studied this phenomenon when a man was fitted with a new heart. After the surgery, his mind, feelings, and actions changed in unusual ways.

To reduce the risk of a heart attack, you have to wake up slowly in the morning and reduce the intensity of evening workouts.

Coconut water is able to replace blood plasma thanks to its similar composition.
Our blood type has an impact on our health. People with type O blood aren’t prone to cardiovascular diseases and have a lower risk of developing certain cancer types.

People with type A blood should pay attention to the level of cholesterol in their blood. They are at risk for coronary heart disease development.

Those with type B blood should remember that they’re prone to diabetes and pancreatic cancer.

People who have type AB blood should take care of their memory and concentration since the chance of cognitive impairment in AB individuals is 82% higher than in other types.

Energy drinks change the way the heart beats. Scientists have found out that after drinking energy drinks, the amount of caffeine is up to 3 times higher than in other caffeinated drinks like coffee or soda. What’s more, they affect our heartbeat and may cause seizures or death.

Blood-type diets don’t work. Scientists from the University of Toronto have proved that special diets according to individuals’ blood type are a myth.
In Japan, there’s a special industry of goods for each blood type: food, cosmetic products, and personal care products.

Athletic performance depends on one’s blood type. A study held in 2017 has shown that people with type O blood have better stamina than other types. Among elite water polo players, scientists haven’t found any people with type AB blood. But type O blood advantages work only if a person works out regularly.

Our character depends on our blood type. Scientists have found a connection between subjects’ characters and their blood types. In Japan, people believe that blood types influence people’s personality traits and their success at work and in personal relationships.

Which facts are the most interesting? Share your opinion with us!

Source: Bright Side

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