13 People Who Are So Good at Spotting Things, Even Sherlock Holmes Can’t Compete

Finding a good moment for a photo is just as hard as winning the lottery, yet these people managed to capture the most interesting stuff without batting an eye. Not only were they fast, but they were also attentive and lucky enough to notice things most of us don’t get to see.

1. “Duck diapers for pet ducks.”

© TheElusiveHolograph / Reddit

2. “They make wheelchairs for chickens.”


3. “The embers of my bonfire look like the eye of Sauron.”

© goldiwak / Reddit

4. “These strange lights showed up in the sky over Jeju, South Korea. They have been here for an hour!”

© snap2 / Reddit

5. “Look what my mom spotted. Who knew this is how possums transport their babies?”

© ****_user / Reddit

6. “My brother has a condition where his iris leaks into his pupil (doesn’t affect his vision).”

© H0dg13b0y / Reddit

7. “My baby’s hairy ears”

© Brittamas / Reddit

8. “Here’s the McRib patty before being cooked.”

© diverareyouok / Reddit

9. The inside of a wasp nest

© bezododo / Reddit

10. “There’s a man trying to escape from my pancake.”

© largetoro / Reddit

11. “This ’red only’ rainbow I saw at midnight in Finland.”

© junn0 / Reddit

12. “My ham has a face.”

© Owlbeefine / Reddit

13. “This albino reindeer I saw while traveling in Finnish Lapland.”

© korpuskeli / Reddit

What’s your most memorable shot? How often do you post pics online?

Source: Brightside.me

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