12 Things Your Face Can Tell About Your Health!

12 Things Your Face Can Tell About Your Health!

We check our faces in the mirror several times a day to see if we look fine. But have you ever checked your face to know if there’s anything wrong with your health? Yes, you don’t really need expensive X-Rays or MRIs to know if your body is suffering at the hands of a disease. Merely examining the reflection of your face in the mirror will do.

12 Things Your Face Can Tell About Your Health!

Here are 12 things you can discover about your health just by looking at your face!

1. Receding Chin

Medically known as retrogenia, a receding chin is a sign of aging. It can also be attributed to your genetic makeup and can even be caused by other conditions such as Treacher Collins syndrome or Pierre Robin’s sequence. Wearing a brace can help realign your chin.

2. Excessive Facial Hair

Excess facial hair, as well as thick, coarse hair on other parts of a woman’s body, are indicative of a condition known as hirsutism. This condition is caused by an excess of male hormone in a woman’s body, which means that simple threading will not help solve this problem.

3. Pale Skin

A pale complexion is a sign that you might have an iron deficiency, which is also known as anemia. Paleness can also indicate problems with the blood flow, low levels of oxygen, a low BP or minimal exposure to the sun. With that being said, if you find a paleness to exist only in a particular area of your body such as your legs or your face, you should seek medical attention immediately.

4. Chapped Lips

Dry atmosphere and dehydration can cause chapped lips, which can be treated quite easily. However, if your cracked lips refuse to heal despite treatments, they could indicate a more serious condition such as herpes or cheilitis. Excess sun exposure can cause cheilitis, which if not treated promptly can cause cancer.

5. Moles

Most people don’t take moles seriously, but you should. Especially if you notice one appearing all of a sudden. An asymmetrical mole of a peculiar color with hair growth on it and a diameter of 6 mm should be checked by a doctor. It could be a sign of cancer. Harmless moles, on the other hand, can suggest delayed aging.

6. Sores

Sores generally develop near your nostrils or lips. Known as cold sores, the type 1 herpes virus is responsible for them. Despite being treatable, they have the tendency to recur over time. In fact, sores are never fully treated and can erupt again due to stress, exhaustion, sun exposure, etc.

7. Facial Paralysis

Facial paralysis is the same as Bell’s palsy. In this condition, you won’t be able to move any one or both of the sides of your face. You may also experience a painful jaw and ache behind your ears. Caused by viruses that pressure the nerves of your face, it can take up to 6 months to cure facial paralysis.

8. Dry Skin

Dry skin is so ordinary, nobody ever thinks of it as something serious. However, the reason behind it might not always be weather changes. Dry skin can be caused by a host of health issues such as diabetes, a bad diet or even hypothyroidism . If dry skin persists despite moisturizing and drinking water, consult a doctor to know the underlying cause.

9. Puffy Eyes And Eye Bags

Lack of sleep is why you end up with puffy eyes. Usually sleeping for 8 hours a day can cure this. However, if you still have puffy eyes, you may have buildup of fluid just underneath your eyelids . This might be caused by allergies, a high salt diet or crying jags. Humidity and heat can worsen this.

10. Oral Odor

The reason for oral odor is not just poor dental hygiene. It could be indicative of poor heart and bone health as well. According to a study, brushing your teeth can lower the chances of heart disease. Those who did not brush regularly were 70% more likely to experience heart troubles as compared to those who brushed twice a day .

11. Acne Near The Jaw

Acne near the jaw is not a result of excess oil production. It is caused by hormonal changes, stress and medications such as antidepressants or contraceptives, etc. For women, such type of acne can even signal PCOS.

12. Ear Itch

Persistent ear itching can arise due to an allergy or infection, and not just the buildup of earwax. In severe cases, excessive ear itching might also be a sign of psoriasis or eczema, which demand medical attention .

Keeping an eye out for these symptoms can save you from major health-related issues. So, make sure you examine your face carefully the next time you look in the mirror.

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